Live Demo
To participate in the demonstration you will need:
- Javascript enabled
- A modern browser
All examples given are written with babel loaders to support es6 (stage-0) and JSX syntax.
Simple Example
This is the simplest implementation of React-Object-Table, an editable list of strings.
To allow editing, the table requires an onUpdate handler (refer to source code below).
Even this simple example supports:
- Single cell editing
- Familiar navigation and completion hotkeys such as the arrow keys and tab/enter
- Multi column or row copy-paste (except on Firefox, where the required events do not exist)
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More Feature-Filled Example
This example demonstrates:
- Read-only columns
- A more complex update handler
- The ability to add rows (handled outside the scope of React-Object-Table)
- Row-level action handlers
- A very basic custom renderer
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Customisation Example
This example demonstrates:
- A more exciting custom renderer
- A custom editor widget
- Cell input validation (age column, confirmed to be positive integer in a reasonable range)
- Very basic validation error exception handling
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